On 24 August 2022, Christian Schneider, Managing Director of UNICEF Germany, and Christian Krämer, Chairman of the Peter Krämer Foundation, signed a new “Memorandum of Understanding” in Berlin for the next stage of cooperation for “Schools for Africa”.

Both sides reaffirmed the great importance of the project, which has been active since 2004, as the world’s most successful private initiative for equitable access to good school education. With more than 300 million USD of private donations, the educational situation of more than 30 million children in 21 African countries could be significantly improved. On this occasion, Christian Schneider referred to the founding initiative of Peter Krämer, who died in 2017, and recalled his outstanding commitment with great gratitude.

UNICEF Germany and the Peter Krämer Foundation will continue to support educational programmes and school buildings within the framework of “Schools for Africa”.

The Peter Krämer Foundation will continue to support this outstanding and successful programme with its own funds and donations.
As part of the signing of the “Memorandum of Understanding”, Christian Krämer presented UNICEF Germany with a donation cheque for € 30,000.